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The number of addresses holding 1+eth hit a record high

Fundamental analysis:

Ethereum maintained a shock around 1173. According to the latest data from blockchain analysis company glassnode, the number of addresses holding 1+eth has exceeded 1.5 million, a record high. At the time of writing this article, it was 1506888.

Ethereum ethusd - 4-hour K-line diagram display:

Technical comments: the short power continued to fluctuate downward in the middle and lower track of the Bollinger belt index, fluctuated after the low level reached the node near 1006, and remained weak in the short term or maintained the low level. The Bollinger belt index continued to close, the MACD index moved upward slowly while the RSI index continued to fluctuate upward at the low level in the short area;

Long short turning point: 1242

Pressing position: 1361, 1488

Support position: 1041, 915

Trading strategy: 1242 down bearish, target 1041, 915

Alternative strategy: bullish above 1242, target 1361, 1488

The above analysis is a personal point of view and is for reference only.

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