Enjoy high-end services
Three account types, covering investors from beginners to experienced
The spread is as low as 0.2
Leverage up to 833 times
Grant benefits
Account equity | Mini account | Standard account | High-end account |
Account features |
Minimum deposit | 100USD | 1000USD | 5000USD |
Minimum order lot size | 0.01 lot | 0.1 lot | 1 lots |
Leverage | Leverage is as high as 1:833 |
Minimum floating point difference (foreign exchange) | 1.4 | 0.8 | 0.7 |
Initial margin |
Foreign exchange: as low as US$400/hand Cryptocurrency: 10% of opening price Precious metals, crude oil, stock index: as low as $1000/lot |
Liquidation margin | 40% of initial margin | ||
Margin Call Notification | When the net value is less than or equal to 100% of the initial margin, the system notifies the customer to increase the margin |
The spread is as low as 0.2
- Mini account
- Standard account
- High-end account
Account equity | Mini account |
Account features |
Minimum deposit | 100USD |
Minimum order lot size | 0.01 lot |
Leverage | Leverage is as high as 1:833 |
Minimum floating point difference (foreign exchange) | 1.4 |
Initial margin |
Foreign exchange: as low as US$400/hand Cryptocurrency: 10% of opening price Precious metals, crude oil, stock index: as low as $1000/lot |
Liquidation margin | 40% of initial margin |
Margin Call Notification | When the net value is less than or equal to 100% of the initial margin, the system notifies the customer to increase the margin |
Account equity | Standard account |
Account features |
Minimum deposit | 1000USD |
Minimum order lot size | 0.1 lot |
Leverage | Leverage is as high as 1:833 |
Minimum floating point difference (foreign exchange) | 0.8 |
Initial margin |
Foreign exchange: as low as US$400/hand Cryptocurrency: 10% of opening price Precious metals, crude oil, stock index: as low as $1000/lot |
Liquidation margin | 40% of initial margin |
Margin Call Notification | When the net value is less than or equal to 100% of the initial margin, the system notifies the customer to increase the margin |
Account equity | High-end account | ||
Account features |
Minimum deposit | 5000USD | ||
Minimum order lot size | 1 lots | ||
Leverage | 0.01 lot | ||
Minimum floating point difference (foreign exchange) | 0.7 | ||
Initial margin |
Foreign exchange: as low as US$400/hand Cryptocurrency: 10% of opening price Precious metals, crude oil, stock index: as low as $600/lot |
Liquidation margin | 40% of initial margin | ||
Margin Call Notification | When the net value is less than or equal to 100% of the initial margin, the system notifies the customer to increase the margin |